Growing Business

FMC’s Approach to Growing Businesses

Small businesses comprise 90% of 30,000,000 businesses in the United States, create 60% of all new jobs, contribute to 55% of the United States’ GNP, and pay 70% of the federal taxes. While FMC Financial Services, Inc. (FMC) focused on the needs and solutions for small businesses, it became obvious that there were two other [...]

Government Financing Programs

Government Financing Programs

SBA Financing Programs As a result of Congress’ approval 9-28-2010 of HR Bill 5297, the opportunity for financing and growing a small business has never been better during these economically challenging times. Below is a snap shot of key points to consider. ELIGIBILITY Based on the changes in the government size standards in order to [...]

Equity Financing

Equity Financing

Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) In 1958 Congress created The Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) program which are licensed by the Small Business Administration, and are privately owned and managed investment firms. They provide venture capital to small independent businesses, both new and already established. All SBICs are profit-motivated businesses and not only fund loans [...]

Strategic Wealth Targeting

Strategic Wealth Targeting

FMC Financial Services, Inc (FMC) has developed proprietary software used to grow the wealth of a business. It is based on a concept developed by FMC titled Strategic Wealth Targeting® (SWT). Using this approach, the business owner will view the value of their business as they would the value of their 401K or other [...]